DivorceToolbox Professionals
DivorceToolbox Professionals


Do you ever feel as if you are suggesting options and attempting negotiations with a couple unprepared for successful mediation?

  • Couples overcome with animosity for one another
  • Parties unclear about what they each need from the divorce agreement
  • Individuals unable to sort through the multiple emotional and practical aspects of the divorce process

If so, you know that an educational platform which equips parties to walk through the process with informed, reasonable expectations could be invaluable!

Allow Divorce Tool Box to help your clients become educated, organized, and prepared by using our template. When the template is completed, it enables the client to supply the information needed to put together the puzzle of the family’s post-divorce life.   This helps you, the mediator, to negotiate between spouses, as each spouse has identified individual priorities and desires. When you know each person’s perspective—and why they desire certain stipulations—before mediation, you’ll have a greater opportunity to achieve compromise and craft a successful agreement.

As a Divorce and Family Mediator, your goal is to help couples reach an agreement concerning issues and/or reduce the issues to be litigated. This is difficult to do without having had sufficient time to evaluate unique personal and family needs, or without the information needed to formulate reasonable suggestions for their changing family. Divorce Tool Box guides the client through the divorce process and helps them to determine and express what they most desire from the divorce agreement.

Individuals who have the opportunity to become educated early about divorce requirements, consider multiple options prior to mediation, and create a list of proposals to negotiate have a greater chance of a mutually beneficial, positive outcome. Having well-informed clients makes your job easier. Our goal is improving outcomes for individuals, families and mediators.

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